
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey for You and Turkey for Me

I am thankful for mommy and daddy...

...and moose, blankie, fish crackers, toasted cheese..

Happy Thanksgiving 2008! We are going to Olean to visit Matt's family for two days then to Hamburg to see the Tab's for two days. I'm sure I will have LOTS to post after our trips. Until then, I got nuthin. Mya's been sick - ear infection and perforated eardrum :( I'm glad we caught it before the long weekend.

So off to eat lots of turkey and pumpkin pie. And of course watching the Macy's Day parade! My favorite. Safe travels everyone!

Monday, November 17, 2008

17 Months

I am finally getting around to posting our 17 month photoshoot. It was actually our Christmas card picture session because I am crazy and already ordered our cards. It was such a good deal that I just couldn't resist. I am not posting all the pictures but I will put a few of them in here. Mya's had a cold for a while but otherwise doing well. She's turning into quite the cuddle bug lately. She gives everyone and everything hugs and kisses, and she makes the "mwah" sound when she does it. She's saying some of her words more clearly - mom, dad, dog, all done, ball, hi, bye. She can sign more, milk, and all done. She's been very clingy with me - if I'm around she wants to be held at all times. Even today she cried when I left her at daycare. Probably just a phase. Next month we go for her 18 month appointment. I can't wait to see how big she's gotten.

17 Months Old

Show's on - where's the popcorn??

So anyways, she was all like....

Look at the camera? What does that mean?

How's this for cooperation?

Screaming YEAH at the end of Word World theme song
(then makes us rewind it and start over)

About a week ago we got to visit Mar's kids for the day. I sent out all those pics but here is one of the three of them. We had a lot of fun! It was like running a daycare. I went home exhausted and I didn't even do anything!

McKenna, Gavin, and Mya

Meet me at Dunkin Uncle Corey!

Other than that just looking forward to seeing everyone at Thanksgiving. Can't wait to go shopping the day after. It's payday hehe. I already have crazy Christmas fever. It will be so fun to see Mya this year. Here's a little something my mom did.

Poor Mya looks so pissed off. Where's the spirit!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

We've been having some lawn woes so we got ourselves out all weekend to clean up the yard and rake some of the millions of leaves that we have. Mya, the girl who did not like being outside all summer, has been having a ball playing out in the yard. I tried to get a few pictures but she is such a mover that it was hard to get many good ones. We had to get it all done before the snow comes!

No drinking and jumping!

I'm going to try this again!

I can do it myself

Then the rain started coming down so we had to hang inside the house. Mya was still wound up so we put on her show Word World and she went crazy dancing to the theme song! Hyper much?!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thanks Tom!

This made my life!

I also heard that Oprah thinks she is going to be on Obama's staff and that the first baby Obama was born on Wednesday.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Is it just me?

No reason for this, just feel the need to get it out.

I don't get "the profound effect" that electing Barack Obama is having on America. Yeah, I voted for him, yeah I think we need change, yeah it's great that he's the first african american president. But people around here are going crazy. There are flags all over, people calling in on the radio, etc. I felt like it was the day after 9/11 when everyone banded like brothers to show their patriotism to our country. They even had a song montage thing on the radio, set to the song "One" by U2 where every few seconds they had a snipet from one of Obama's speeches. Maybe I'm just sick of all the millions of political ads that have been on TV. Or maybe I am just grumpy today, but if I read another status update on facebook about Obama I am going to scream.

Flame away, but I don't get it. He's just an average Joe who's set out to change the world. And I hope he does just that.